designed by Louise Fernando Sandaga
Mural Team:
Sandaga, Almonicar, Testa, Lim, Auxtero, Bulanadi
Artist Statement
This wall mural art is an inspiration of Stephen Hawking’s timeless wisdom. The quote “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” inspires us to accept the challenges of life with toughness and a growth mindset. This mural features this quote in bold letters with a combination of vibrant blue and orange colors that represents creativity, curiosity, and a desire to explore new perspectives.As an artist, I think that using the walls or public spaces as a canvas in making an art are great places to start meaningful conversations and motivate a positive change in society. Through this wall mural art, I aim to create a warm, accepting space that inspires individuals to consider their own ability to change and development.I hope my mural inspires you to accept change and pursue your goals with strength and determination, whether you pass by it or pause to take a closer look. I appreciate you taking the time to look at my work.
designed by Apple Jane Nakila
Mural Team:
Nakila, Bocares, Rodriguez, Uy, Eugenio, Kee
Artist Statement
The wall was designed to emphasize the quotation of Paul Wellstone and to correspond with the senior high strand that was assigned to our team, which is the Performance Art Strand. The elements incorporated in the design were inspired by some of the fields that were the focus of this strand, such as theater plays and music. Although the colors have no relation to the theme, they were chosen to further enhance the aesthetics of the artwork and to introduce the art style of the artist in charge.The quotation emphasizes the importance of matching one's words and actions. The words that come out of your lips are also a reflection of who you are as a person. If your words and beliefs are separate, then you are living a life of hypocrisy and dishonesty. The way that we express our thoughts should correlate with the things that we do. The quote motivates and encourages everyone to live with integrity and honor and to make sure that their actions reflect their values and beliefs through their words.The quote and the mural's design were chosen with PAS students in mind. In the world of performance art, where we use words in a variety of ways, you should speak these words as if you are living them. The mural features the theater, where the plays are frequently based on real life stories, and music, where words or lyrics are often utilized.The heart of an artist is the center of their performance; what they express on stage shapes every aspect of who they are.
designed by Marnie Silubrico
Mural Team:
Silubrico, Tan, Celestial, Abalon, Asejo, Salazar
Artist Statement
This artwork, which was originally dedicated to but is not limited to abm students, quotes Benjamin Franklin's "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Knowledge is a valuable asset that will pay dividends for the rest of a person's life. Since the quote's emphasis is on investment, it can then be linked to businesses. With that in mind, the mural design--a Retro signage--was born.Typically, these signs are bright and colorful, catching our attention and making it simpler for us to remember their message.The words "Guide" "Direct" "Lead" are key symbols in our design. Billboard sign boards and signs are effective tools to advertise, persuade, and lead audiences to content. In our instance our signboard directs the viewer's awareness to the importance of knowledge. One role of signboards is to direct people to restaurants, entertainment venues, shops, and other establishments that provide something in exchange for your payment. As can be observed, this ties to the "interest” section of the mural.The words "investment" and "knowledge" are obviously the major points of the phrase, explaining why they are the largest words in the mural, but following it is the word "interest," which suggests it is just as important as the former words. This suggests that not only is this saying necessary, but it is also beneficial. The concept of benefit is significant because it gives a framework for evaluating options, making decisions, maximizing good outcomes, and more. It helps us prioritize, allocate resources effectively, and ultimately work towards personal and collective advancement. The design includes arrows to emphasize crucial terms as well as to suggest that it is once again guiding and directing you to make the investment. Another essential aspect of the design is the use of a lot of lights in signage. In general, light symbolism is utilized in connection with darkness, with light representing life or hope. Light also guides us in the darkest moments, illuminating our path and revealing the way forward. This represents the fact that this sign and saying can be seen and applied at any time of day or night.Overall, we hope that this mural effectively conveys the message to its audience and achieves its aim - a constant reminder that knowledge is valuable and that one should invest in it in order to reap greater benefits.
designed by Kellsie Erika De Guzman
Mural Team:
De Guzman, San Juan, Villaflor, Ramis, Dionisio
Artist Statement
You and your body are capable of exploring an discovering limitless ways of interacting with the world around you. Through physical fitness, strive to become the best version of yourself and inspire others to do the same.Physical fitness is not just for the sake of our health but also contributes to our happiness. Through my mural artwork, I hope to express the joy that comes from leading an active and healthy lifestyle.
designed by Fritz Harren Tablante
Mural Team:
Tablante, Jao, Pinlac, Maning, Gianan
Artist Statement
One might see life as full of doubt and uncertainty. We might not know the answer to something, but that's a start. Consider making any confusion as a strength that might spark something within us like an astronaut.In the vast space, an astronaut might face multiple questions within their minds but eventually come to an understanding. This is what the piece is trying to imply. One should always attempt to remember that doubt itself is only a challenge that will lead us to a better reflection so embrace and don't be afraid of it.